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Judith ButlerA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Butler prefaces this section with quotes from several theorists on the meaning of the concepts “women” and “sex.” The chapter opens with Butler’s observation that much of feminist theory assumes there is some pre-existing identity called “women” that must be represented for the sake of securing greater political visibility for women.
Recent feminist theorists, however, have begun to question this assumed relationship between “feminist theory and politics” because the concept of women is “no longer understood in stable or abiding terms” (2). Any act of defining a concept takes place only in the domains of language, law, and politics, which themselves already have very limiting, exclusionary ground rules for who and what counts as an identity. “In such cases,” Butler concludes, “an uncritical appeal to such a system for the emancipation of ‘women’ will be clearly self-defeating” (3). It becomes almost impossible to see these practices for what they are, once we accept the power of that system to define identities.
The other problem with basing feminist politics on a presupposed identity is that every time we attempt to articulate the concept of women as a “common identity” (4), differences among women related to race, class, gender, culture, ethnicity, orientation, and geography pop up to undercut that definition of women. Butler argues that attempting to come up with some universal, unified concept of “women” is already doomed to reflect the blind spots and biases of the linguistic, political, and legal systems within which feminist theorists function. What feminist theorists can do is critically examine the history of the concept of “women” and how it has been shaped by these contexts.
Maybe, Butler speculates, feminist theory has even arrived at a moment when it is time to do the work to “free feminist theory from the necessity of having to construct a single or abiding ground which is invariably contested” by people excluded by their definition of this identity (7).
Butler next takes on the implication of the gender/sex distinction in feminist theory. “Originally intended to dispute the-biology-is-destiny formulation,” the distinction posits that gender is “culturally constructed” and sex is biological (8). The logical implications of the sex/gender divide are that there is no fixed relationship between particular bodies and genders and that our binary conception of sex (men versus women) is therefore also constructed.
Butler asks, “[W]hat is ‘sex’ anyway? Is it natural, anatomical, chromosomal, or hormonal?” (8). The scientific language used to describe sex and that talks about sex in terms of a binary of male-versus-female happens in the midst of culture and language, meaning that it is entirely possible that what we apprehend as biology is also constructed. The supposed distinction between sex and gender conceals the role gender plays in the construction of sex. Allowing this concealment to stand makes it hard for us to get at the role gender plays in creating the power dynamics we have been attributing to sex.
Butler drills down even further by asking what we mean when we say gender is “constructed.” How does construction work, exactly? Do people get a say in how their gender is constructed, or is cultural construction outside of our control, a process in which “certain laws generate gender differences on universal axes of sexual difference” onto bodies that are just “passive recipients” bound by that law (11)?
French feminist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir argues that “‘one is not born a woman, but rather, becomes one’” (11). De Beauvoir assumes that there is some agency (self-directed will or choice) in this becoming—that women can either choose to be free or they can accept that their identities are constrained by their bodies.
Feminist theorist Luce Irigaray critiques this mind/body divide by arguing that women have no identity of their own. Irigaray argues that “woman” as “the feminine ‘sex’” is just an “illusion of masculinist discourse” (14) or what she calls “the phallogocentric signifying economy” (13). Masculinist discourse has no ability to name women linguistically other than to say they are the negation of men. There is just a closed system of meaning that always circles back around to men. Instead of a feminine identity, there is just an absence.
Butler admits that distinguishing among the ways theorists define identity is tricky and that there are many more ways of thinking about women’s identity than those referenced in de Beauvoir and Irigaray. In fact, there are so many disagreements about this fundamental issue of women’s identity that Butler contends it’s time to come up with some other ways of thinking about gender, to address the “metaphysics of substance” (14) in discourse about the body.
The discourse about gender/sex is circular. As soon as one examines how this divide is defined, one always come back around to bodies, and bodies marked as male are almost always privileged over bodies that are marked as female, a “gender asymmetry” that constantly brings feminist theory to an impasse (15). Butler speculates that this male-female divide may be just another substitute for the master-slave divide; within masculinist language, women are effectively “‘cancelled,’ but not preserved” (17). De Beauvoir’s efforts to get around this possibility by arguing that women’s bodies can serve as the departure point for their freedom, instead of the root of their oppression, does nothing to address the issue.
De Beauvoir and Irigaray disagree over how gender asymmetry is produced. De Beauvoir credits “failed reciprocity” in the dialogue between the parts of the male-female divide, while Irigaray undercuts the entire idea of a dialogue by arguing that universally, the only articulated identity is the male side (18). Butler sees value in Irigaray’s perspective on the matter, but she also notes that the “globalizing reach” (18) of Irigaray’s theory is problematic, as it tends to swallow up cultural and historical differences in how gender oppression and masculinist discourse work.
The debate about whether there is some essential feminine identity is an urgent one because it has an impact on women's abilities to organize themselves into coalitions. Efforts to define some essential feminine identity are problematic because they serve to reinforce already existing inequalities related to class and race. In response to this issue, some have attempted to create a "coalitional politics" (19) that does not depend upon defining a particular identity for women.
The coalition instead emerges through a series of "dialogic encounters" (19) among people with separate identities. The danger there is that any insistence on unity threatens to insert the idea of solidarity as the "prerequisite for political action" (20). Members of a coalition may have unequal power or divergent ideas about what constitutes unity and dialogue. Butler suggests, instead, that unity may not even be necessary for political action and that acceptance of certain forms of fragmentation and disunity may allow for a more efficient, quicker start to organizing for action. There is ultimately no need to have recourse to a stable identity to act politically.
Butler next questions what identity—most particularly gender identity—is. It's complicated because our common conceptions of identity are both shaped by and shape what we mean when we call someone an identity. According to Butler, "[i]ntelligible genders are those which is some sense institute and maintain relations of coherence and continuity among sex, gender, sexual practice, and desire" (23).
This intelligibility is largely bound in a vision of desire that is heterosexual in nature and thus requires that "certain kinds of 'identities' cannot 'exist'" (24). Evidence of the power of culture to regulate which identities are intelligible can be seen in that genders that are not based on sexed bodies are dismissed as "developmental failures or logical impossibilities" (24). It therefore behooves gender theorists to turn a critical eye on "the matrix of intelligibility" (24) itself.
French feminists and poststructuralists have posited various theories to explain how power produces gender identity, and behind those theories are different theories on how identity in general is produced. Regardless of the differences in how these theories approach identity, they are all based on the idea that sex is somehow a substance, a "self-identical being" (25).
The concept of sex as a self-identical being is just a trick of language, one that covers over the truth that it is impossible that a singular thing that is gender or sex exists outside of the purely artificial binary between man and woman. The truth is that there is a "subversive multiplicity" of sexualities, which, in turn, disrupts the totalizing power of the dominant discourse (26).
Butler next examines several theorists' approaches to the issue of sexuality. Monique Wittig, for example, argues that the sexual binary serves a regime of "compulsory heterosexuality"(26). Wittig calls for the "destruction of 'sex' so that women can assume the status of the universal subject" (27) and thus become free.
Accepting the existence of a universal subject that predates gender and discourse is yet another trick that hides the same old problem with the metaphysics of substance, namely that it reproduces the power relations that produce gender and sex. One cannot "be" a sex or gender. According to Butler, "the act of differentiating the two oppositional moments of the binary results in a consolidation of each term, the respective internal coherence of sex, gender, and desire” (31).
Theorists of gender and sex also sometimes accept as a given that categories of man/woman emerge from the binary itself. Butler rejects this argument. There is no metaphysical substance—a doer—who has gender as an attribute and who either conforms to or fails to conform to the terms of the gender binary. Butler concludes that "gender is not a noun"(34) and that "[t]here is no gender identity behind expressions of gender; that identity is performatively constructed
Butlers opens this section by noting that many theorists of gender assume that there is some subject (doer) behind gender; they do so under the assumption that without a doer, there is no possibility of liberating people from compulsory heterosexuality. Wittig, for example, argues that homosexual desire exists outside of that regime and thus holds out hope of liberation from that regime by engaging in practices that counter the male/female binary.
Language, from this perspective, is a tool that the doer can use to liberate or use to reinforce the masculinist meaning-making machine; there is no such thing as a separate feminine language (like that argued for by Irigaray) that must be created to counter this masculinist discourse because its existence would recreate a male/female binary all over again. Butler traces Wittig's argument back to her sense of language as one of many practices that doers engage in within the context of specific institutions, cultures, and places (this is a shorthand definition of materialism).
In The Lesbian Body, Wittig offers a materialist re-reading of Freud's theory of gender as a developmental process by which a person moves from "less restricted and more diffuse infantile sexuality" (37) to a supposedly-superior sexuality that is bound up in the genitals. According to Butler, Wittig's celebration of a sexuality that is more diffuse—like that of an infant in Freud—is just an inversion of Freud. This inversion, in the end, reinforces the oppressive developmental model that is associated with compulsive heterosexuality.
Butler then examines the work of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan on sexual difference. The masculine doer is an effect that emerges when the doer accepts the Father's prohibition against incest and displaces that desire for the mother with desire for others who are not kin. For the feminine doer (also an effect), sexual difference emerges when the doer acknowledges the prohibition of desire for both the mother and father and accepts the maternal role of perpetuating "the rules of kinship" (38). The gender of these doers both seemingly emerge from prohibitions, but the desire that has been repressed lives on in the unconscious.
Such an account of sexual difference is inherently unstable, and at any moment, the repressed desires can and do emerge to undercut the law of the Father. When materialists and Lacanians argue about sexual difference and gender, it frequently comes down to whether one believes that there is some "subversive sexuality that flourishes prior to the imposition of the law, after its overthrow, or during its reign as a constant challenge to its authority" (40).
Michel Foucault theorizes that there really is no getting outside of the power relations within which sexuality emerges; when sexualities that exceed the intelligible matrix of gender are apparent, our notions of what is an intelligible gender are expanded.
The doer, sex, gender, and sexuality are all constructed in the context of power relations, and since there is no getting out of those relations, feminist theorists would be wise to pay attention to how the variability of those constructions might be used. Accepting this state of affairs, Butler cautions, is in no way to argue that gender is not a real thing that can become an object of analysis. Gender is an "effect" (45), something that can be studied and that has a history. De Beauvoir's argument that one becomes a woman is useful if one realizes that "woman itself is a term in process, a becoming, a constructing that cannot rightfully be said to originate or to end" (45), even when gender congeals into style and acts that take on the appearance of something entirely natural that we accept without a thought. The task of feminist theorists is to engage in cultural criticism— that is, make "gender trouble" (46)— that both takes apart this naturalization of gender and thinks through what is foreclosed by the congealment of gender.
In this opening chapter, Butler interrogates the terms we use to talk about sexuality, situates her work in the context of the existing theory of identity and sexuality, and explains what is at stake in her intervention. Butler makes her argument in at times opaque language that draws on multiple disciplines to make the powerful argument that what we take as givens are not.
Butler's critical approach is rooted in deconstructing binaries and terms, a favored approach that shows the influence of poststructuralism on her work. For example, Butler's first line of attack is to show that the term women, frequently assumed to be the constituency for which feminist politics claims to speak, is far more complicated than the word would have us imagine. Binaries—conceptual pairs like man/woman that we use to make sense of the world—also come under attack in Butler's account of gender. Butler spends the bulk of this first chapter helping the reader to see that one of the most important binaries in feminist theory, gender/sex, is actually a sleight of hand that hides how both gender and sex are effects produced by culture, language, and power.
Butler's approach to critiquing gender relies on her assumption that identities are produced by discourse (ways of meaning-making, including language, relations of power, identification, and social practices) and construction rather than nature. This approach shows the influence of several important critical theories such as poststructuralism, feminist philosophy, and psychoanalysis. In the epigraphs and quotes, the reader is likely to encounter important theorists from these fields, such as Jacque Lacan, Michel Foucault, Simone de Beauvoir, Luce Irigaray, Monique Wittig, and Sigmund Freud.
The predominance of French names in that list is noticeable and reflects that at the time Butler was writing, France and French-speaking countries were the source of many of the important contributors to the philosophy of gender and identity. Her influences are eclectic and most sections of this first chapter advance through her engagement with these other writers. In marshaling such a wide array of sources and critique of sources, Butler manages to carve out space for the burgeoning fields of gender and queer theory. The long sentences, multiple clauses, specialized terms, and sheer density of language at times make for difficult reading, but this particular style reflects the stylistic quirks of some of her influences and signals to the reader that the subject matter is important and worthy of the work it takes both to write and read it. A good in to getting her arguments is to pay attention to the major points she makes at the beginning and end of each section (including the last page of the chapter). It is also useful to note that Butler frequently re-states her arguments in other words.
The significant arguments Butler makes at the beginnings and ends of the sections are ones that have reshaped the discourse around gender. Butler's emphasis on the intersectional nature of gender, her recognition that both gender and sex are constructed, and her conclusion that gender is performative—a thing one creates by doing, rather than an essence—are interventions in the feminist political theory that underwrites contemporary feminism and feminist debates about how best to organize and build coalitions when what is covered by the term "women" is so complicated. Her focus on talking about gender performativity is also an important concept that provides an entry for theorizing a gender identity that is not confined to a masculine/feminine binary.
By Judith Butler
Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex
Judith Butler
Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory
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Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence
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Undoing Gender
Judith Butler