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Virginia Woolf

The Waves

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1931

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The Passing of Time

The Waves is structurally and thematically determined by the passing of time; its organizing structure is the twin timeframes of the lifespan of the six friends and the simultaneous daytime passing of the sun over a shoreline landscape, which is captured in the italicized poetic interludes that begin each section. The experimental juxtaposition of these two timeframes speaks to the novel’s treatment of the inexorability of time, and its elasticity as experienced in life. In contrast to the busy human interest of the narrative sections, the interludes have a stillness and natural quietness to them, focusing on the impressions of an unpeopled landscape. This creates a context of natural eternity, both beautiful and aloof, against which the human narratives are set.

Woolf’s work shows a recurrent interest in time and each of her novels experiments with its expression in a unique way. The Years follows the lifespan of a group of characters across multiple perspectives, but the leaps of the timeframe are marked by formal year chapter headings; The Waves is more impressionistic and flowing in that the narrative passing of time is demarcated only by the poetic interludes that both point out and interrupt the passage of time in the lives of the characters. Mrs Dalloway is divided into 12 sections, demarcating the hours of the day. Instead of this mechanistic hourly time, The Waves explores natural time as the poetic sequences describe the rising and setting of the sun over the eponymous waves. The title of the novel shows how integral this concept is to the novel’s meaning and purpose.

The novel also addresses the characters’ sense of time, especially its fleetingness and their own mortality. Aging in tandem is the main thing that the six narrators have in common, and that binds them as friends and narrators. In aging, they are unlike Percival whose death holds him in a permanent youth. Susan resents the pages of her calendar “tear[ing] them off and screw[ing] them up so they no longer exist, save as a weight in my side” (33). The knowledge of time passing is a natural sensation that her rejection of human “calendar” time cannot mask. At Percival’s farewell dinner, the friends realize that this moment in time is precious and will be lost forever once gone: “let us hold it for one moment” (145) says Jinny, expressing a shared sentiment.

Bernard’s narrative in particular refers to the passage of time, often in ways that recall the poetic interlude. Bernard states that he is at the “zenith” of an experience, echoing the sun’s zenith in the previous interlude. Later he says “ideas break a thousand time. They break; they fall over me” (228), recalling the waves of the poetic descriptions. At the very end of the novel, Bernard notes the dawn, echoing the interlude dawn at the beginning of the book, connoting the cyclical nature of time, belying the book’s end. He says of the dawn:

Yes, this is the eternal renewal, the incessant rise and fall and rise again.
And in me too the wave rises. It swells; it arches its back. I am aware once more of a new desire, something rising […] Against you I will fling myself, unvanquished and unyielding, O Death! (228).

For the first time, at the close of the novel, the explicit imagery and ideas conflate the human narrative with the poetic, eternal wave interludes. In cross referencing the novel’s two forms of time, The Waves expresses Woolf’s own theory of time: the belief of life-enhancing “moments of being” outside time that capture the true human experience, encapsulating at once the physical outer world and the inner world of the mind, blurring the distinctions between past and present.

The Role of Language in Shaping Reality

Woolf’s experimental use of language in the novel is an explicit investigation into how the language of a text intrinsically shapes the way in which it presents the illusion of reality. Her use of stream-of-consciousness narration and the structure of this novel, in which characters speak in soliloquies one after the other, highlight this theme of the role of language in shaping reality, showing how language both shapes and is shaped by personal perspective.

In departing from traditional realist styles, the modernist invention of stream-of-consciousness challenged the idea that the established modes of linguistic composition, which previously had a monopoly on the capture and description of life’s realities. The stream-of-consciousness narrative style, in which characters narrate their thoughts, feelings, and actions in the moment that they are happening, seeks to find a way to mimic real human thought processes. It is significant that the flowing, informal style and structure of the novel suggest that these soliloquies are the unconscious “inner” voices of the characters and not their outward projections of self in the style of a traditional conscious first-person narrative. Woolf’s boundary-pushing style of stream-of-consciousness narration therefore reflects concepts of how the language in a person’s mind expresses the sensations of their lived experience. Rather than focus on events, this narrative style constructs reality by using language of the self and of the conscious to explore how people view themselves and others.

In this novel, reality is shaped through intimate language that enables the direct comparison of the voices, temperaments, and attitudes of each character through their first-person narratives, against each other and over time between sections. For example, in Chapter 1, when the narrators are all children, their stream-of-consciousness reflects the minute wonder of children. Their sense of being in the moment and the naive simple language and concepts they express shifts as the novel progresses into increasingly sophisticated and self-reflective narratives, indicative of the adult impulse to protect and project a formed sense of self. In these earlier passages, every detail and feeling is explored and experienced because children do not yet censor their thoughts and they live in the moment. By the time the characters are adults, their stream-of-consciousness reflects the ways in which maturity, responsibility, and the threat of social shame inform the thoughts and experiences that adults go through privately. Thus, the articulation of age through stream-of-consciousness narration highlights how language shapes our different realities as we grow and age. The childlike expression of the early novel is also an exemplar in relating its concluding thoughts on the innate truth of childhood language; this exemplifies its own theory on the way artifice in language grows as people grow.

Language as a way of understanding and forming reality is explored by the novel through the characters who want to be writers, such as Bernard, Neville, and Louis. All three boys attend the same boarding school and listen to the same lecture, but their different reactions to this lecture reveal the differing ways in which they use language to create authenticity, highlighting Woolf’s belief in language as individual to self-expression. As a result, these characters’ beliefs about language are a lens through which the novel reveals and strengthens aspects of their characters.

For his whole life, Neville seeks to use language as a way of expressing authentic beauty and passion. He doesn’t want language to be overblown; instead, he wants language to encapsulate the human experience of love and beauty. This is a direct reflection of who Neville is as a person, and his success as a poet, the novel suggests, is a result of the personal “truth” of his linguistic expression.

Bernard, on the other hand, writes fiction that is overdramatic in its prose style, and his efforts are unsuccessful. This is also a direct reflection of who Bernard is and his rather traditional and unquestioning approach to life and its opportunities. His acceptance of an established male role without considering whether this is authentic to him is highlighted by his reliance on inauthentic language in his own compositions; the novel suggests that he has not gotten to the heart of life’s realities. Bernard’s identity crisis in later years is the culmination of these life choices and is again reflected in his expressed theories around language. In old age, he discovers that the language he has used for decades has not prepared him for this next, final chapter of his life, expressive of his newly-felt doubt about his identity and whether his life has been a true form of self-expression. In seeking this alternative self, he craves a new language that will be deeper and more authentic to atavistic human experience.

Louis is also a poet and his pursuit of linguistic creativity reflects the conflicts and divisions of his life, as he has constructed an identity for himself that answers his need for status but marginalizes other aspects of his character. Louis is a serious businessman but craves the role of intellectual, creative thinker of history and philosophy, precluded to him by his own ambitions. He wants to reinstate this second side of himself through private, almost furtive, poetic activity, and to reconcile both sides of his persona through his poetic experiments.

The Existential Human Condition: Identity and Meaning

In The Waves, six central narrators construct the self and reflect on that construction. The search for self and meaning is a key interest in Woolf’s work, and in modernist literature more generally, which consciously sought to develop narratives and styles that engaged with and furthered the Bloomsbury Group’s modernist ideals of self-expression, personal freedom, and individuality.

In giving several of her characters non-traditional lifestyles and choices, Woolf is breaking social taboos prevalent at the time, and exploring the struggles of a diverse group of people to navigate their lives, in relation to each other and to real or perceived expectations. The modernist impulse to highlight diversity and individuality is inclusive in its motivation and effect, moving away from the character archetypes of traditional literature; Woolf’s novel seeks to capture the commonality of individual experience, and to express the universality of the human condition and the search for meaning and identity. In this way, Woolf’s use of six disparate stream-of-consciousness narratives helps the reader to construct meaning from the novel. The more the narrators reveal about their lives and their feelings, the more intimate a portrait is painted for the reader. This simultaneously shows that each perspective is unique and that they are deeply linked by their inner concerns of the human condition. Seeing into their minds, the reader appreciates that the characters have more in common than it often seems to each other.

The ground-breaking structural flow of the novel, as one narrative voice segues into another, is highly expressive of the shared and interrelated human experience that Woolf seeks to create. The novel’s six different characters also reveal the complexity of how individuals build identity and how their senses of self are reliant on a web of interrelatedness. Because the narrators each speak in soliloquies reference one another, Woolf emphasizes the ways in which individual identity is constructed through the influence of others. The characters sometimes resent the influence, real or imagined, that the others have had on their formative choices. As Susan notes, the recurrent frictions between them are the result of their close ties, sometimes causing resentment. When Bernard states “I am not one person; I am many people; I do not altogether know who I am – Jinny, Susan, Rhoda or Louis; or how to distinguish my life from theirs” (185), he is revealing the personal struggle for identity and self-determinism in a tight-knit group of lifelong friends, as well as the closeness this brings.

In The Waves, the characters find meaning in varying ways: in society (Bernard and Jinny), tradition and family (Susan and Bernard), sex and pleasure (Ginny and Louis), the literary arts (Bernard, Louis, and Neville), in wealth and status (Louis consciously and Bernard unconsciously), and in nature (Susan and Neville). These different methods for the pursuit of meaning create a web of connection between the characters that offsets their division along the traditional lines of gender identity; while the narrative acknowledges the different expectations and opportunities of gender roles, it does not make these central to inner identity or expression. This is characteristic of Woolf’s treatment of gender as a fluid aspect of an individual’s unique nature.

The outlier in these connections is Rhoda, who lacks and constantly seeks a sense of meaning, seeming to gain little or no pleasure from her life. As a result, she feels a lack of identity and is unable to find her place in life. Although Rhoda constantly makes mental connections between herself and the other characters, this is always to highlight her own sense of difference, alienation, and failure. Through Rhoda, Woolf’s novel explores how unhappiness and existential dread can make the search for meaning and identity both all-consuming and futile.